reposting from previous thread: went public a bit before vacation, so it's going to be travel pics for another while. Amsterdam based otherwise, still learning and experimenting. Never done portraits
I'll follow back if it's nice
Will be posting a few diorama/miniature faking pics because they're cute, as meme-y as they might be. But who care's, I'm an amateur anyway
And then I'll be going through quite a few b&w ones, trying to have some kind of trend instead of mixing them all up
>>3045405anon you might not have seen my previous mention in the other thread, so I'm just gonna spam you again :3
Anon I've looked through your stuff and I was wondering if you have any specific preset or so that you use to get that comfy feely feel in some of your (urban) pics. They look a bit blue tinted and a tad dark, besides being sharp (I think). Sort of like in the second pic of the second row in that preview you posted, or most train station pics you have
If you could give some pointers I'd appreciate it