I focus a lot of my /p/ autism on framing/cropping, so one thing I hate is photographers who NEVER crop, even when they very clearly should. Photography is about making choices, you have to decide what you include or not, keeping everything everytime no matter what is the wrong decision.
What I hate most from /p/ posters is all the wall shit ("hurr I'm shooting a wall, so meaningful") and the street shit, seriously 99% of what streetfags post is utter shit, just random shots, and then they try to salvage it with some ridiculous post processing. Obviously HDR shit too but it seems like the popularity of horrendous "tone mapping" has faded.
>>3037952>Borders>B&W for no reason>Watermarksholy fuck this. What triggers me the most isn't what dumb normies do but what pretentious fucks with 10 grand of gear do. B&W for no reason is definitely the worst and most pretentious of all