>>3058738>Be harsh.Alright bud, out of a goal to help you grow.
-Opening stuff is alright then it cuts to 0:52 which looks super armature. Bad framing. Very strangle angle, not exactly a high angle shot that would make your character look 'lesser' when he is dominating another person which would be a strange choice but it is somewhere in between which just looks odd. Would have been better to have it level or have the camera looking up at him to establish power.
-2:39, bad focus pull and shake makes it look armature.
-2:43, Bad focus pull, entire shot is out of focus and then the proceeding shots are dizzying due to closeness and changing focus. Practice your focusing. Go by the side of the road and track cars while pulling focusing. It is not pleasant for viewers to look at.
-3:21, weird framing. The shots empty space does not tell us anything and looks slightly askew. Viewers eyes are constantly looking for information every still, even emptiness should be made interesting with lighting or exposure or set design choices.
-3:44, you have the cereal box stay in focus the entire shot while the actor is the main point of information and the center of the shot. Watching something not in focus that is the main source of info is not pleasant despite artistic intentions.
-4:24, the sudden fade to black and fade out of music is awkward. Fade the music slowly in the black.
-4:28, handheld jitters.
-5:56, going from such a dark color grade to this color grade makes it feel segmented. Try and stick with a central look and pallet to your feature. Think of how the Matrix always had a greenish hue to it.
-6:02, handheld jitters, bad framing, too bright of a white.
-6:17, if you can't afford a tripod put it on a stack of books or get a gorilla pod for like $60.
-6:24, was Auto Focus on? It looked like it was hunting for focus. Never use Auto Focus when you are in control like that.
-6:53, what even is that angle? Also jitters and focus problems.