>>3060924Keeping it at this size but compressing the photo to hell to maintain a low file size only makes flaws more visible. I understand your camera is kinda eh but your photo shouldnt be this grainy. Youre oversaturating and overediting to compensate for the photo, shouldnt do that too much. Go out and practice some more.
>>3060931I like this but theres nothing stellar, your pig photo and the ram one are much more interesting for how they bring something more by either their interaction with their environment or the framing of their body and lighting. I still have hope for this horse though, I dont mind the ratio as long as whatever you dont combine it with the others.
>>3060941Great picture. Great use of framing. I like the expression. The highlights and shadow coloring is fine. Trying to decide or whether or not cropping it a bit would make it better.
>>3060952Ideally you should never crop. Try something like pic related.
>>3060961Would be 1000x better if they werent all having their backs towards you.
>>3061103Just boring, nothing going on.
>>3061104Best out of the 4 just purely based on vantage point.
>>3061106Never do this.
>>3061108Never do this, what am I supposed to be focusing on? Come back to where you shot these 4 pictures during a golden hour and bring some items. anything, toss them in there. Do something though. Photography is all about taking an initiative. Even if theres nothing interesting where you live, make it interesting somehow.
>>3061111Looks better. I think the gradient thats going on makes it much more interesting.
>>3061131>>3061132Fantastic shots.
>>3061147Its always recommended to avoid pictures of pets. This doesnt mean never take them but realize that there better be something unique about your photo if its going to be your dog.
>>3061155Vertical would be better imo. I love the lightning and pink in the bottom.
>>3061159Underwhelming, bad composition with too much going on that isnt interesting to begin with.