>>3066134>what lens do I useA fuck ton, last count I had over 50 lenses, nearly all manual focus and aperture, every one has been on my sony at some point.
Some favourites include
Nikon 50mm f1.4 pre ai, nikon 105mm f2.5, voigtlander 35mm ultron, canon FD 35, 50 and 135mm lenses.
However I've also got the sony 55 1.8 and sony 28 f2 and a selection of canon L lenses with a sigma mc11 adapter and even lenses from old cheap film point and shoots that I've jerry rigged.
Pic attached is with the nikon 50mm.
Being able to use anything has brought a lot of fun to photography for me, a decent quality 50mm f1.8 can be had for £30, thrown on a £10 adapter and will take great photos.
>>3066137>why bump isoAs a rule of thumb, dont drop your shutter speed below 1/(2 x focal length) if you want to avoid blurry shots. If your 50mm lens is wide open and you're at 1/100 and it's still too dark, bump the iso.
On the a7 you can get perfectly clean shots at iso 800 with minimal noise reduction needed, quite often if I'm just taking snapshits for example In Forest I'll whack it on iso 400 and know that I don't need super steady hands, I can just point and click. An important thing to remember with noise In digital photos is that they are ALWAYS resampled, normally from around 20mp down to 2 (1080p is 2mp), so whilst you may see noise in 100% crops at iso 800, they're not gonna show in your exported shots. Fwiw, I think pic attached is iso 800, on mobile so can't check.
There is an argument that noise is aesthetic, I think they're wrong and it's faux nostalgia, but each to their own.