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Return to Hong Kong

!!SBO0KEaiyAc No.3080362 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys, got some new pics for ya. It's been about 5 years or so but I finally made it back to Hong Kong and Japan. Only spent 3 days in HK so I don't have nearly as many pictures as I did last time I was there, but I'm more or less happy with what I have.

There were a few snags however. First, I hadn't done this kind of medium format night city photography in a while so I was a bit rusty. I generally meter by eye in these situations and it seems my eye needed a bit of practice, so a lot of my shots were underexposed a bit which led to them being grainier than I'd have liked. I'll post a few of those toward the end so you can see what I mean.

Second, I only shot 645 Portra and my Ricoh GR digital here. Generally it was GR during the day and 645 at night. This was fine, but I came across a few housing developments during the day which I was hoping to add to my 'modern living' series, and figured the GR would work fine for this. I was wrong. Long story short, the very fine and dense tiling on the facade of a lot of these buildings did not play nice with the GR's sensor given its lack of an AA filter, so they're basically covered in moire and probably totally unusable. I'm going to try to pick a few that I really like and spend a lot of time cleaning them up but I don't have a lot of hope that they're going to turn out all that great. Really disappointed with this. Again, I'll post a couple at the end so you can see what I mean.

As always with my photo threads I like to use /p/ as a sort of staging environment for other photo sites to see what people like and what they don't, so I post a lot of the B and C sides here that wouldn't normally see the light of day. So what helps me out the most is pointing out which pictures you really like and which you really don't. Of course don't let this stop anyone from telling me to kill myself and sell my camera as well.

Going to start off with some film shots. Hope you enjoy.