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No.3091713 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So i have pic related with two aps- c kit lenses. Not trying to gearfag but like I'm wondering if i should jump to FF (I'm very much leaning to yes here but w/e) and if so is it worth it to stick with sony or am i better off going to nikon?

Used both these, thought they were nice on b&w film. Got spoiled by lack of crop - dont have the nice fov i had from the 24- 200 @24 on 35mm.

Noticed some small issues with it on my sony but i could just be this chink tier adapter
>tfw no af

Idk what do you guys think. I know you're more about lens > gear - i just wanna be in the best bang for buck / longevity when it comes to that. Between nikkor and sigma alone I'm p. Okay with nikon.

Tldr : should i switch to nikon or keep investing on my sonygger status if so should i be an apsc sonygger?