>>3099472Focus peaking isn't less accurate than a rangefinder because it struggles in low contrast.
A) you can improve this performance by modifying your camera settings for deeper contrast
B) its a perception issue, a user issue, when peaking becomes "inaccurate"
It's not inaccurate, it's just becoming difficult for you to see.
Focus peaking on a low contrast lens is equivalent to a rangefinder with a very washed out patch.
I say this as somebody who uses both and probably takes more photos with each than you.
>its difficult to nail focus at 5.6 it's also pointless to care about "nailing focus" with deep dof. Learn to scale focus and quit making your life more difficult.
Real rangefinder users don't even use the rangefinder mechanism often. It's a meme. Rangefinders are for scale-focusing users or gearfags.