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No.3100175 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>/p/ 2008-2014
>always more than 5 photo threads
>quality shitposts
>meet ups
>non summerfaggotry
>anon is a photographer

>/p/ now
>4 photographers' threads 3 of which are tripfags
>catsby has 3 threads in attempt to kill the newfag tier gearfaggotry shitposts
>isi threads are dying from the shit tastes of new anons
>sugar is still alive
>anon has 1 photo thread
>everyone else is on youtube drama
>"""""""""""what should i buy now that this brand is dead"""""""""""
>"""""""""""how is this ONE shot /p/"""""""""""
>"""""""""""MUH IMAGE QUALITY"""""""""""
>even burke is gone

this is a sign, someone make a new /p/