Dude, go Fuji.
Tonight's my first time on le P, so I haven't seen yet what their prejudices are on here for or against, but I'll tell you why I love mine. I shot film with an slr for years then got a dslr for a couple k. I enjoyed it for a while while it was new, but I kept shooting with my film slr and the more I shot with both the more I felt the dslr was deficient. So, back to film. For 8 years, besides my phone. I hate editing, and about a year ago I started hearing about Fuji's straight out of camera colors so I got curious. I mostly shot Fuji film already, and they do in-camera film simulations based on their 80 or whatever years of expertise in color so I decided to check it out. Man, Fuji's digital colors are so fuckin good. I got an X-Pro 1, adapted a couple old film lenses, and I gotta tell you, it brought back a lot of the joy of taking pictures that I never got out of my Canon dslr, or my friend's Nikon. They take really beautiful pictures. Look around on YouTube for a while and you'll see pros in different fields all saying, surprised, that they're happy with the shots they get out of camera enough to send them to clients without editing or with only extremely minimal editing. I saw one guy who said he even quit shooting raw and just uses his Fuji jpegs to print books for his wedding clients. I'm on my phone, but if I have time tomorrow I might post a shot from the computer.
Their cameras are smaller and lighter than dslrs and have smaller lighter lenses too. They're great for messing around with adaptors and old lenses, the Fuji x mount glass is some of the best value per dollar out there cuz it's so good. There are also great options for low budget- a used XE 1 runs about $300 in the right places.
Anyway, that's my two cents.