>>3124295>I don't want to be a generic photographer.This is something literally every photographer asks himself every single day. Hell, that's something every artist asks himself, photogs included. "How to I make good shit?" The answer is, figure it out. Nobody can tell you what you like. Think about what interests you. Take photos of it. See if it piques the interest of anyone else. Rinse and repeat.
And stop thinking in terms of "I." "How do I make MYSELF look like a good photographer? I want people to like ME. I want to be remembered for the photos taken by ME." Fuck you, you're nobody. Stop being selfish. It's your photos you should be focusing on.
>Who are some photographers and artists that I can look into for inspiration especially if they're experimental?Another unanswerable question. Nobody can tell you what you like. There are a hundred million "experimental" photogs out there, especially now in the age of smartphones and instagram. If you want to find ones you like, look around. /p/, Instagram, google, wherever. Personally I like to look around the photography section of bookstores and take down the names of any photographers who's work I like.
Can't help you with the art gallery thing. But you should really focus on taking good photos before you even think about exhibiting them