alright I'll tell you what I think, so I will write everything using absolutes but it will really be my opinion most of the time
>>3116659I think this one is a nice concept that could have been executed better
the cranes make this picture because they attract attention and direct it towards a more or less common point, it looks kinda like an exercise in perspective, thought the blue crane at middle distance and the red one are a bit bent, so the effect is lessened
then the boat's mast is in the way
then I'd have made the cranes stand up a bit more (using whatever method in post)
>>3116662I think this one has nothing interesting, the subject is a pretty common sight from a pretty common angle
>>3116664same here
maybe the triangles might have made an interesting picture if taken from another angle
>>3116666same as above
>>3116668the old windmill doesn't stand out enough, you should have taken this from a closer distance so to put it in the sky above the green instead of almost burying it in the green
>>3116669next time you have the urge to make a picture b/w ask yourself, what does this photo gain by being b/w instead of colored?
if you can't think of anything objective (for example, "it makes it more interesting/deep/vintage" doesn't mean anything) then I suggest you keep the colors, else you risk looking pretentious other than boring
>>3116671nothing stands out really
>>3116673same as before, a pretty common sight from a pretty common angle
>>3116677see the thing above about b/w
>>3116682if you want to make things stand out make them really stand out
you want to make that structure in the middle stand out?
crop out or don't get the trees in your shot, they're a distraction, wait for the clouds to be more even, or for them to go away, or at least for them to paint a plain, uniform background behind your subject