>>3122685Why are you continously contradicting yourself?
Why don't you have your own style?
Why are you such a hypocrite?
Why do you jump from one thing to another so fast and can only copy the artist that you are currently looking up to?
Why are you so desperate to be liked by faceless people on the internet?
Why do you have 100 articles about 1 thing?
Why do you never double check the stuff you write, especially your 'books' and why do you not feel ashamed having shit grammar?
Why do you take so many selfies?
Why do you invest so much time into learning stuff from others in order to copy them if you could just invest time in yourself so others copy you eventually? (It is too late for that)
Why do you think scribbling over boring pictures makes them less boring, do you want to get popular with 13 year old teenage girls now too?(Seriously please stop, I stopped following you completely when you started doing that crap)
When do you start living your own life?