>>3123271i like the amount of editing you did.
>>3123277too much going on. pick something interesting and photograph it.
>>3123545 i like this one the most. try again at a different time of the day.>>3123757get lower to the ground for this shot, either completely center your subject or rule of thirds it. consider black and white.
>>3123766the mountains look sweet but the pic needs more. mountains with some clouds is not enough.
>>3123968i actually like this shot a lot not just cuz i'm a bike head, the lighting is superb.
>>3124315pic a subject, make it interesting. too much going on here if you singled out one subject and got creative with it it'd look better.
>>3124669i like it. not sure if it's out of focus on purpose or not but i like it. was that taken with film?
>>3124701i take it your new to photography? Shoot more, actually challenge yourself.