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No.3146890 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi there /p/,

I am normally a patron of /o/ and am planning on taking a trip to Japan this fall. I am looking for a good point and shoot I can use for the trip.

Normally I am on my phone and it is ok. Last year my phone corrupted about 1/2 the pictures I took when I was in Aus.

I want to invest in a good Point and Shoot camera for my trips that I take and have narrowed it down to either the Sony RX100 or the Ricoh GR II. Both seem to be favorites of the internet. My main goal is to have a camera I can just pull out of the box with minimal tweaking and have some good quality pictures of like cars, city stuff, and landscapes.

Everything I can find doesn't really seem to narrow down the choice just that everyone likes these two cameras. Some also have the Powershot G7 X Mk2 as a favorite. What would you recommend without spending $600 for something portable that works out of the box. Would even an entry level mirror-less be worth it?

>tl;dr what is the best point and shoot for casual travel shots and pics of cars for under $600.00 US