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/p/ meta general

No.3170480 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hiro allows one meta thread per board to allow for policy discussion etc.

/p/ has obviously seen better days so I'd like to start the conversation with that:
-/p/ needs at least one active moderator
-the gear thread should be stickied and all other gearfagging/brand wars should be auto 1 week bans
-a stupid questions thread should be stickied

Well, that would make the board about 100% better without being drastic or draconian. The entire problem seems to be with spam, gearwars, and dumb questions. This doesn't ban anything, just consolidates it into containment threads. No reason to have a million threads about gear when there are w million forums dedicated just to gear with more knowledgeable people than will ever visit this Congolese Rape Convention.