>>3180160>snr is not correlated with sensor sizeLol, yes it is, you fucking clown.
You've been listening to that fat, dumb, bald fuck on yootoobs haven't you.
I'll break it down for you to make it really easy.
Let's imagine you have 2 pizza bases, one 8", one 12" (sensors), and you need to cover them with an even layer of cheese (signal/light). Cheese is raining from the sky at a constant rate (same aperture for both instances) and both pizzas are left out in the cheese rain for the same time (shutter speed).
Surprise surprise, the larger pizza catches more cheese, has a bigger signal, has an improved snr.
Just before you try and counter this argument, ask yourself, why are ff cameras with sensors from the same fab plant consistently about one stop better in noise performance?
And if sensor size has nothing to do with noise, why are smartphone images noisy af despite being on the bleeding edge of sensor fabrication, with stacked and bsi sensors being common.
>>3180160>pixel size doesn't change with sensor sizeWhoa, you're telling me the pixels in my 24mp smartphone sensor that's approximately 1/20th the size of the sensor in my a7ii are the same size?
Totally tubular man.
Jfc there's braindead faggots in here.
Also, go read up on perspective and compression, oh and stop being so poor you have to justify your consumer trash products by pretending they are equal to professional products. It's sad.
Inb4: I was trolling
Pretending to be stupid only makes you stupid.