>>3185452The DOF is so small that I am constantly moving back and forth trying to keep the subject in focus. It is like using a macro lens. Manually turning the focus if too hard on the mounts too. I can't simply hold the body in one hand and the focus ring in the other. I have to use two hands on the lens. Otherwise, it starts to come unscrewed from its mount adapter ring. If I tighten down the adapter ring then I have trouble getting it off later. The focus ring is just a bit too stiff.
The light wind blowing this bird around on the golden rod had it constantly drifting in and out of focus. Its tail feathers are in focus, but its head isn't, due to that. Thankfully, moving back and forth isn't too much of a problem freehanded since the distance of movement is less than 6 inches.
>cropped image; 15-20 feetI don't think I'll be using the 2x Teleconverter. It seems to be adding CA and making things a bit fuzzier. Once I get a filter kit I'll see if that helps clear things up.
>>3185576Extra battery, filter kit, and remote are next up for purchases. However, a remote will only help the mirror lens on a tripod if it is inside or there happens to be the most dead calm in existence for wind outside. It will literally not stop shaking on two of my tripods. Bungee cording it to a cinder block allows better results than a tripod. However, the 10s timer is fine since it stops shaking when under normal use. I'll never use e.tubes with it again since that will damage the cheap tubes. I was sitting there waiting for it to stabilize, while in my house when I realized that it was picking up my fucking heartbeat even though I wasn't touching it and I was sitting in a chair. Blew my mind.
Also, the remote is really only good for still life. I do mostly wildlife photography and can't even use a tripod with this thing. I need a remote for other stuff with other lenses.
>>3185579The closest I could get was 5 feet almost exactly.