far be it from me to offer educated critique on anyone's work - i've never engaged in a single technical or critique course or workshop, everything i do is based on just changing attributes around until i like what's on the screen, and i don't even have anything more invested than a kit-lense on a decent introductory-level DSLR... but;
>>3185624>>3185676>>3186123You all have some photographs with really simple aesthetics that I like a lot. For the most part it's nature stuff (just my preference) but in some instances it's urban/city themes, even a few of both former that could be considered "abstract".
psychicheart, the picture with the lilypads in particular made me feel very comfy.
>>3186192You take nice macros. I wanna see more variation nd learn how you capture things with different textures and light sources.
>>3187135Your architectural exhibition is great. I would personally like it a lot more if it weren't edited/photographed with that wash-effect over it so frequently. Not personally a fan of black-and-whites. All in all, though great stuff.
If I didn't say anything to ya it's not because you take bad pictures, it just because they didn't appeal to me personally. Everybody has pretty much only pictures that are quality.