mostly shoot nature and macro.
>>3188344good eye for interesting architectural features, from a quick look i especially like the rainbow/gas station and the white brick corner, framed by red and blue. however a lot of your shots need a more careful composition, the lines in your images often unpleasently tilted. also the image quality is not that good.
>>3188215I have a thing for minimalistic photography. some are pretty nice, like your newest one or the salmon wall with the plant but overall your feed lacks consistency
>>3188129looks fine to me, but I never was interested in portraits and therefor can not give much feedback, sry. I can tell it's not bad though.
>>3188049I really like the BO one. Most of them are too random with the subject for me but it looks like you have a vision, you just need to put in more effort.
>>3187995you need to learn the basics. it's just random stuff you see, sometimes with a half-assed composition. also your image quality is really poor.
>>3187984exquisite subjects. a lot of nice shots but often they suffer from sloppy framing.
>>3187946extremely inconsistent, many snapshits. some of the film shots are decent.
>>3187809no compositions. do not only focus on the subject but also it's surroundings.
>>3187701way too random. consider not taking a photo of everything and putting it up on insta.
>>3187689regarding your more recent uploads, you really got the movie look down there. lots of potential.
I'm getting really tired, so I will skip those I don't find interesting
>>3187058a fürther, na da schau her. start working on your compositions and framing. the creativity obviously is there.
>>3187054what can I say, you found your style and you are good at it. nice gallery, followed.
sry to the rest but I am really fucking tired and need to sleep now.