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meta/gear/fagging general

No.3191762 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ohai anons

After shitposting and venting my frustrations about gearfagging on this board in multiple threads, I decided to try and do something constructive instead
I kept seeing these """debates""" about who has more cameras, which ones are allegedly bigger, what mount has more lenses, y'know the typical /gear/ bullshit where nobody really knows anything and just shills something or another

So anyway, bitterness aside, I scraped the data used in the upcoming graphs from dpreview
Not because it has the most complete set of items but because...well it was the first thing that I thought of and apparently there's no nice and easy dataset out there with this stuff, so I had to build it myself via scraping. Maybe dxomark would be a good option as well but I dunno. I am more than open to suggestions

All in all dpreview has roughly 2200 cameras and I think smth like 800 lenses.

Well to start things off, pic related is an overview of lenses indexed, grouped by mount, from the most representative top 10 mounts in the set, so these are the mounts I will be grouping by when it comes to lenses

Feel free to ask questions and make requests!

tl;dr I plotted some shit from dpreview for your entertainment