>>3207016I don't get why so much of this photo is, uh, nothing
>>3207049The composition is fucked up and fucks up a potential crop
>>3207060Boring and bad. It's the back of a bird flying away from you lol
>>3207080White balance
>>3207084Not too bad but kind of boring. Has potential
>>3207085I love this desu
>>3207086This is nice as well
>>3207089Not as big a fan of this one
>>3207091Cool idea. The right billboard is a bit distracting though
>>3207093Love it
>>3207095Pretty good. I like the colors a lot
>>3207109>>3207111>>3207112Kind of boring, don't really seem to be photos of anything
>>3207113My favorite of the four
>>3207117This is okay I guess
>>3207123Not bad but the colors seem extremely fake
>>3207127>>3207129Kind of boring. Pretty colors though
>>3207179Nice. Maybe a tighter crop on the right?
>>3207181Not bad
>>3207182This is a photo of nothing
>>3207188I don't like this one very much
>>3207218Doesn't do anything for me
>>3207219Very nice
>>3207221This seems really faux deep desu, also the dark colors blend together way too much
>>3207256Again, very nice
>>3207274Literally a photo of nothing
>>3207366This is my favorite of the four because it's the only remotely interesting one
>>3207390Colors are nice but the photo is boring and blurry
>>3207393Out of focus
>>3207394I LOVE this
>>3207395Out of focus and blurry, use a shorter shutter speed
>>3207409It took me three viewings to realize what this is. I don't like it very much
>>3207437Comfy but something can be done about the crop
>>3207478Blurry. Save him
>>3207481Boring, white balance
>>3207482Building in the back kills this
>>3207483Why did you frame and crop this way
>>3207490This looks like an Airbnb or Pintrest shot
>>3207491Boring locale and the model isn't doing anything even remotely interesting