I'm in my fifth semester studying photography FH Dortmund, panning on doing my masters degree in photographic studies there as well.
I wrote this some time ago, but since it's been a while my studies went much deeper, so if you have any further questions go ahead.
http://pseudosticky.wikia.com/wiki/Pseudo_sticky#Studying_Photography-should_you_do_itPlease keep in mind that I'm on a very good school to study photogrpahy and I heard a lot of terrible stuff about other universities. Nothing of what I say could apply to your school, so do a lot of research and find out if the place you wat to go to is actually worth anything.
>If so hows the course?My main course could be summed up by artistic documentary photography. By now, photography is only a medium to work on topics relevant to society and to convey a message. It's not about taking a beautiful picture, but about telling a story and finding the best way to tell it. Photography can me much more than framing something.
I learn a lot about myself, the themes I'm working on and the world, since a project always enquires me to actually sit down and think deep about something. Take all the time other studies focus on learning something about business or law. In photography, you spend this time working on your project. This is most likely something that is close to your heart and I tend to work extra hard for stuff I truly care about. The course itself only gives you a starting point and orientation, it helps you when you are stuck and widens your view. But studying photography is thinking and working on your stuff all day, all night.