Technically Correct !!lN6LSAdx7EV
>>3219677 You carry both a Nikon SLR and an Olympus point & shoot with you every day?
>>3219678 yessir, rarely do I ever use both in the same day, but the Olympus is usually in my backpack
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kyocera t zoom with some fuji superia 400 in it keys wallet
wallet phone car / house keys pocket knife haven't edc a camera in about 6 years - almost all of my cameras now are just to have on the shelf as you can see by the amount of dust on em.
Technically Correct !!lN6LSAdx7EV
Wallet. Keys (including: lens cleaning cloth, earplugs). Tape measure. Lip balm. Leatherman. iPhone. Camera of some sort. (Olympus is just a placeholder for whatever camera I happen to be in the mood for that day. Lately it’s mostly been Fuji X-T1 or a6000. Traditionally, it’s been my 5D Mark III)
This camera, this leather pouch with film and batteries in it, a card holder with 3 cards in it (debit, credit, license), keys (car fob, house key and garage remote only) and a Galaxy S8+.
edc for travel
• Minolta Uniomat III - usually with Tri-X - swap the minolta for a d700 + 35 f2.5e depending on day/mood
• Moleskine Volant (lined)
• 0.3 pigment liner
• iPhone 6
• rMBP 2013 13"
• Timberland Bifold wallet
• WD Elements 1TB
>>3219687 9/isi
>>3219693 woo a trip, post photos pls
Anyone else not have any camera ad part of their edc? I always make excuses like “im only going x, it wont take long and there wouldnt be any photos anyways”. How to get into good photo habits?
Either 21mm or 35mm.
Other stuff not shown: Wallet and keys, sometimes my mobile
No, I don't take along that copy of Contact Sheets, it just makes a nice background.
>>3219840 By taking along your camera.
>>3219677 >>3219768 what do people use their notebooks for? curious
Technically Correct !!lN6LSAdx7EV
>>3219768 >woo a trip, post photos pls I've got a bunch of photos scattered around the board. I just drop my trip when posting them because with this trip, I've decided to wholeheartedly embrace gearfaggotry like a woman embracing her lover on his return from the war when she'd been mistakenly told that he had died.
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>>3219858 Haven't posted an EDC pic here, but I use mine to note down the settings of the photos I take. Since I primarily shoot MF I don't end up with too many shots, and I'd like to know what I've done right and wrong with certain pictures. It's like a personal, analog EXIF.
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>>3219687 are you doing field recordings isi?
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>>3219858 It’s like my agenda, jot down important dates and stuff. Due to being around a military family, it’s got emergency info and such too. Also I’ve got a lil of what film went through one camera, not shot per shot but roll per roll, makes organizing negs easier
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>>3219858 (i’m >3219768)
if i shoot film, i record exposures and conditions.
I write poems.
sketches for photos i wanna plan/take.
notebooks are great
>>3219679 >Every Day Carry >usually in my backpack Am I the one with a warped sense of what EDC means? I thought it meant empty your pockets on a normal Tuesday. Not empty your backpack that probably sits on your desk at work, and exclude boring stuff like jackets and USB cables from the cool picture for Reddit.
>>3220075 Usually implying it goes from my pant/jacket pocket to the backpack (which I essentially carry every day)
>>3220081 Nikon F3 in pant/jacket pocket?
>>3220082 I meant the Olympus
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>>3220075 well i carry my bag everyday when travelling and that’s what my edc is from
usb cables aren’t significant enough to put in either, if you have an external HDD or something of course you’re gonna have a connector, it’s implied, and as you said, makes the picture messier.
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>>3220084 Which is my point, when referring to the SLR.
>>3220075 That kind of empty-your-pockets thing wouldn't be too interesting on /p/ unless you include your everday photo gear, would it?
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>>3219677 What notebook is that?
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>>3220093 I'd argue that there's nothing interesting about an EDC photo thread on a photography forum in which EDC has no real meaning. For most people it's just going to be the one camera they have and their favorite lens.
use a dsptch strap now tho
>>3219698 >GF670 Fuck dude, I'm jealous. Literally the perfect folding camera. Quite a commitment to lug that around every day though.
>>3220121 Stop posting this shit in every single /p/ and /fa/ edc thread.
>>3220133 Because you've been spamming this for the past 2 years.
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>>3220134 I didnt even have this camera six months ago
Technically Correct !!lN6LSAdx7EV
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>>3220121 Zune?
Zune AND iPhone?
>>3220121 I love you edc, keep posting. You got a copy of the chink wall paper you had in old edcs?
>>3220134 That camera came out less than a year ago
how do you EDC stuff that don't fit in your pockets? you carry around a man purse?
>>3219768 Thats a sexy EDC and photo. Is that Apple logo custom mod or sticker? Do you use instagram?
Well I guess now I have an excuse to update my EDC after my move. Here's the list: Pick 2 of 3 Fuji GW690III Nikon F3 Hexar RF Konica Big Mini almost always, I give it to my gf if she's with me Iphone 8 Plus, chap stick, assorted film and filters (Different stuff on different days), light meter, small notebook and micron pen. In the wallet I keep a spare phone battery, cord, charger, and headphones. The wallet slots inside the bag. I carry different stuff at night but too lazy to take a pic of it
>>3219844 Do you like your m4p? Why are they less expensive than other leicas?
>>3219840 get something more portable. last year i only ever brought out my camera (dslr or slr) when i was going out to specifically take photos. then this summer i found a film p+s at thrift, and being able to just throw it in my jacket, or backpack, or whatever, it made bringing it everywhere so practical. then i started using it more and more when i was on short excursions (say, walking to the store) and fell in love. then i bought a ricoh and have either it or my film p+s on me all the time
>>3219840 >>3220416 It's good to hear that this worked. My compact (digital) is on the way and I'm hoping it remedies the
>“im only going x, it wont take long and there wouldnt be any photos anyways” problem that has plagued me all along.
>>3220407 >Do you use instagram? >mac >iphone >notepad you know he does
>>3220434 forgot to add the obvious one too
>film camera not hating though
>>3220436 lol more people on insta use digital it's filled with canocucks and sonyshills copying brandon woelfel
>muhhhh bokeh >muhhh presets >muuhhh glass ball >muhhh levitation shot >muhhhh travel feels >muhh nighttime light bokeh Anonymous
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>>3220250 the ghost in the shell one or the dog one?
>>3220407 aww thanks anon
it’s a sticker and
ig - >>3220434 notebook*
but you’re right, heh
>>3220444 cool trips m’friend
>>3220415 I do. It's probably cheaper because their collection value is lower, as these were made at Canada. As far as I know, the mechanics and the finder of the M4-P and the M6 are the same, but the M6 has a built-in lightmeter.
Technically Correct !!lN6LSAdx7EV
>>3220449 I I’ve that same camera strap on my Fuji.
>>3220548 cool join discord
>>3220449 What presets are you using boi
>>3220796 who's at discord?
imo !!d72dMQ5gx/L
>>3220816 like everyone
>>3220800 cool dubwubs
and my own presets :^)
>>3220410 You bring three film cameras with you everyday? Jesus. Pick one!
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I was on the hunt for the best smartphone camera recently but I realize now that they're all pretty subpar to compact cameras. On that note what's the best compact camera I can get new or used for under 400? Digital only please.
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>>3219677 >he bought the wrong Stylus Anonymous
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>>3219858 drawing you like my french girls.
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>>3220264 cargo shorts in cargo shorts
>>3219687 why do you carry so much stupid bs
Technically Correct !!lN6LSAdx7EV
>>3220980 >why do you carry so much stupid bs She's got:
Lip balm
Voice recorder
What of that do you consider stupid bs?
>>3221013 why that bitch need a knife and a voice recorder
she some kind of secret agent?
gtfo here
>>3220933 do you have the invite code?
Technically Correct !!lN6LSAdx7EV
>>3221027 She lives in the south. It would be weirder if she didn't have a knife.
Also, at least three other people in this thread have knives listed in their EDCs and you didn't comment on them. Is it because we're dudes and you just don't think women should carry knives?
>>3219677 >that iPod >those cameras >that wallet >that lighter It's almost like you're a poor Mexican, but you're trying to disguise yourself as trendy.
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>>3221027 >being this young and hopeless Anonymous
>>3220936 No it’s usually just two. Did you read The post?Also this isn’t everyday? It’s what I use when taking photos. I think most everyone here can assume that you don’t actually carry around 1000 dollar cameras every day. I do have the Big Mini almost every day though. Which is what I said.
Olympus XA3 Presto 400 (push that shit to 1600) Phone (HTC 10) Lighter + cigarettes (I'm out) "Tangle free" earphones Wallet Paw paw ointment (muhh dry lips) When shooting digi I use an X-Pro1 with adapted glass Need to get a little notebook I rely on my phone too much
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>>3220410 You don’t carry gw690 with you daily it’s fuckiing huge and not versatile at all I owned one Идй нaхyй eбaлнй пидopac
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>>3219687 Oййййй ISI has no tampons because she has penis хaхaхa
>>3219677 Bits of this is stuff I carry for work. Generally have a 135 f2 and a 24-70 f2.8 in the car if I think I'll shoot something that day.
>>3219844 How's that 21? Thinking about getting either that or the 25mm for my Bessa R2. Have the CV 35mm f2.5 now and love it.
>>3220449 do you only bring one lens with your D700
>>3221179 You in Brisbane too?
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>>3221282 yes and did you ask this in /fa/ too?
>>3221283 sheeit how'd you know?
Technically Correct !!lN6LSAdx7EV
>>3221167 >I think most everyone here can assume that you don’t actually carry around 1000 dollar cameras every day. I actually carry around 1000 dollar cameras every day.
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>>3221382 Me too. I rarely shoot but mine's always in my car if I go out.
Friend let me borrow his GR so that's what I'm using right now. Pretty fun. Usually I have a 35mm P&S, Contax G1 or FujiGA645 with me. Wallet Canada buxxx Lip stuff Pen Wallet Etc. >Mfw not having to carry a knife because I don't live in America
Technically Correct !!lN6LSAdx7EV
>>3221473 >Mfw not having to carry a knife because I don't live in America You just wait until a goose or angry beaver attacks. Then you won’t be so smug about not carrying a knife.
>>3221476 >what even are legs >how do you run away Technically Correct !!lN6LSAdx7EV
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>>3221473 >Canadians think small pocket knives are for personal defense and not opening annoying plastic packages And they say Americucks live in fear...
>>3221515 Do Americans consume so much that it's required to carry knives on the daily? The home of capitalism.
Technically Correct !!lN6LSAdx7EV
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>>3221515 Shhh. Quit telling Canadians our secrets.
>>3221100 >iPod Well I can't stuff about 40 GBs of music into a 16GB phone.
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>>3221524 Do you use your wallet all 24 hours of the day, since you seem to associate carrying with constant usage?
>>3221529 >16GB phone you iCucks still haven't figured out wat an SD card is
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>>3221300 pawpaw ointment rofl
>>3221253 It's slow, but I like it. Here it is at f/4, 1/30s Portra 400.
>>3221550 >storing stuff on your phone's internal memory instead of streaming from and saving to the cloud Okay, grandpa.
>>3221867 There is no fucking cloud, just someone else's computer
if you wish to be further enlightened, take a gander over to
>>>/g/ Anonymous
>>3220488 m4-p has plastic leather, no iso dial, steel gears instead of brass, zinc top plate, stamped markings, a bulb flash port
>>3221869 >implying I don't know that >implying that that matters Anonymous
>>3222133 >who cares about privacy >who cares about surveillance >convenience is more important to me than civil liberties >jamal please fuck my wife Just end it
>>3222329 >If Google knows what music I listen to, it is literally a cataclysm on par with 9/11 That’s you. That’s how you talk.
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>>3222128 Leather is ok and I want to use the camera, not look at the markings all day long.
It doesn't need an ISO dial, as it doesn't have a lightmeter.
M6 has steel gears and zinc top plate as well.
M4-P has bulb and X flash port, M6 has only X.
The only significant difference between the two is the built-in lightmeter of the M6.
>>3219693 >Fuji X-T1 or a6000. Traditionally, it’s been my 5D Mark III why do you even have several cameras with different mounts?
Technically Correct !!lN6LSAdx7EV
>>3222421 >why do you even have several cameras with different mounts? I really like playing around with different cameras. I’m as much of a camera nerd as I am a photographer. And I like being able to answer questions here about relative strengths and weaknesses of different camera lines using actual experience instead of meme-based half truths.
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>>3221167 tons of us carry a $1000 camera every day
How good are stylus epics compared to the older stylus infinity with the f 3.5 lense? The infinity is my current edc camera and I'm not sure if I should invest in the epic instead.
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>>3223130 The epic has a faster lens, is more compact and feels better in your hand. But desu I've used both and wouldn't say the difference is night and day. Especially considering you could buy 2-3 infinity's for the price of one epic.
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>>3221550 I have 17 apps on my iPhone (not including pre-installed ones). Most are social media, one banking, 1 music, and 3 messaging. I have 6GBs left of storage, I don't quite need any more anyway so may as well get a dedicated music device.
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>>3219687 Where’s your freedom shooter
>>3222331 >I don't think privacy matters so that must mean that everyone who does is a tinfoil hat-wearing nutjob! Jesus christ people are lazy and stupid. Never ceases to amaze me.
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>>3223213 Not him but you're literally retarded. You have no privacy from the Get go if you use the internet
>>3220130 >>3221850 GF670 ownership is pretty fucking glorious, fellas.
I like it so much that I sold my Blad kit because I wasn't using it.
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>>3223251 Are you Austrian by any chance?
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Either with the 50mm 1.7 or the 24mm 2.8. Sometimes I omit the headphones when I'm certain I'm going to read instead of listening to music.
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>>3219677 gonna try pocketing the eos m w/ 22mm lens once the lens finally ships
shitty zine guy !2w62dhxR/s
>>3219687 What fuji is that
>>3219687 What do you think of that flash? thinking about buying one.
>>3220261 what camera is it
>>3222435 Do you like the fuji more than the xt 1?
Technically Correct !!Y42F2zb/zVh
>>3224134 >Do you like the fuji more than the xt 1? I assume you mean Sony rather than Fuji there.
I’m pretty divided on them. I’ve done one real shoot with the Sony and still haven’t done anything real with the Fuji. I definitely prefer the look and feel and handling of the Fuji, but the Sony has cheaper lenses available, and doesn’t do this annoying thing the Fuji does where it wants to refocus between every single shot even if I’m still half-pressing the shutter button. I prefer manual focus on the Fuji, but autofocus seems faster on the Sony (although that may be dependent on the lenses I’ve got).
Weirdly, the Sony feels bulkier even though it’s demonstrably smaller. I think because its viewfinder sticks out more.
I really love that the Sony can charge from any USB charger. I really love that the Fuji can select AF point directly from the directional controller without making me hit an “I want to change focus point” button first. I also love that the Fuji can set a minimum shutter speed for auto-ISO mode. Sony’s pop up flash can be pointed up for a bounce flash while the Fuji doesn’t have any sort of built in flash. Sony goes up to iso 25600 while the Fuji is stuck to 6400.
Overall, neither of them is anywhere near as good as my 5D Mark III for how and what I shoot. But I think I like ‘em about the same.
>>3224182 xt1 really shines when you use nice small manual lenses
too bad the fuji m adapter that lets you save lens profiles is so expensive
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>>3224182 sorry bout that, freudian slip
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>>3224192 I got 7artisans 25/1.8 for my x-t1, it's a fantastically small package. IQ is decent up untill the far edges, which are mush at all apertures.
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>>3223251 stop making me jealous ;_;
>>3223970 Why are you carrying a guitar pick? lmao
Technically Correct !!lN6LSAdx7EV
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>>3228657 Presumably so he can play any guitars he happens to come across?
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>>3228657 to play my guitar at the garage where all our instruments are
>>3221179 does the XA3 meter for 1600? I'm sad that my XA only goes to 800.
>>3228978 Yes it goes up to 1600 but it has a DX code reader so if you put in DX film and set the ISO to X value it's still use the value on the DX code so to set the ISO manually you're gonna have to tape over the contacts inside the camera or on the film. I used black electrical to cover up the contacts inside the camera I'd show you but I have film in the camera. Also the XA3 has the +1.5 EV backlight setting same as the XA. The XA3 is pretty much a XA2 with a DX code reader, ISO up to 1600 and +1.5 EV
>>3228657 I also keep a couple on my wallet (medium and light gauge). It's normal for guitarists.
>>3229092 XA series is zone focus right? How well does that work?
>>3229115 original xa has rangefinder the rest are zone focus
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>>3226124 Seiko, Toyota, Fuji - weaboo
>going out with only 1 camera casuals
>>3220121 why do so many of you /p/hags carry pocket knives
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>>3230402 thats a multi-tool
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>>3230402 to cut things or fend off pavement apes
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>>3229252 3 times the same lens and a shitty one at that.
Technically Correct !!Y42F2zb/zVh
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>>3230402 Sometimes you have one of a thing and need two of a similar—but smaller—thing.
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>>3230392 Get a European camera to match that European gun
>>3220449 Oh you're the zerotwelve clone lol
>>3230392 >gun is bigger than camera I’m absolutely certain you’re doing it wrong.
>>3230392 I don’t know how you can carry an extra mag when a j frame s&w is already a pain in the ass for me.
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>>3230514 carrying around a dslr everyday is not for me
>>3230531 you probably pocket carry. get a iwb holster/good belt and carry speed loader in the opposite side pocket and you wont even notice the weight.
>>3230392 >gun + powershot Not sure if this is a joke or you're just the biggest cuck on the planet
Technically Correct !!Y42F2zb/zVh
>>3230392 I feel like maybe you’re looking for /k/ instead of /p/? You seem to be prioritizing a different sort of shooting than we generally do here.
>>3230589 I feel maybe you should be on reddit if you want to be a tripcuck who doesn't like guns.
Technically Correct !!Y42F2zb/zVh
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>>3230601 Man, all that hostility. You really are a /k/ guy.
It’s not that I particularly have anything against guns. It’s that your EDC camera is of a sort that will give you images roughly on par with a modern cellphone. Just thought maybe you got confused with all the talk of shooting around here.
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Not pictured: iPhone Fuji GW690II
Not included in this picture is the bag I carry my stuff in.
>>3230510 He's good, he's not zerotwelve good
>>3230641 Is that red thing with a 1/4 20 post on it some kind of weighted bean bag for using as a tabletop/ground level shooting platform?
>>3230657 I meant clone as in copying his style and website, not quality
>>3230753 In case I see someone with a better camera than mine
>>3230748 What’s their websites? Also what’s zerotwelve’s instagram? I already follow the other anon
>>3230830 Oh nvm I know his instagram, that was silly, link to site?
>>3229115 Like
>>3229217 said the Original XA is a rangefinder but all the other ones are zone focus.
Zone focus took me a while to get use to since I alway used an AF point and shoot, it's just something you get use to over time.
>>3230831 not that guy but how blind are you it’s on both there profiles
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>>3230706 Yes. It‘s called a BallPod.
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>Yfw you like EDC threads only because of the neatly arranged items. !CHoSISGsR.
I usually bring my a6000 and Zeiss 50mm with me to chemo and a collapsed paper bag Incase I get nauseous and vomit so police don’t think I’m just drunk.
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>>3230840 >>3229217 That sucks.
Ended up getting an autofocus point and shoot instead.
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Shitty watch but got it as a christmas gift so I've been wearing it recently.
>>3223426 not him, but it's an amazing EDC kind of flash. i carry it on my shirt's chest pocket without discomfort. i can pop it on and off the hotshoe attachment instantly as needed. and it also has an LED continuous light for video. best 90 bux i've spent on a flash unit
Technically Correct !!lN6LSAdx7EV
>>3231506 Is that a Pentax Q?
Technically Correct !!lN6LSAdx7EV
>>3231512 How do you like it? Does it take pictures that are sufficiently better than a cellphone to be worth the hassle?
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>>3231517 i love it. tried to sell it on ebay after getting my dslr but then i realized it filled a compact niche i needed and luckily no one bought. i dont own a high-end phone with the latest camera, so i can't offer a comparison from personal experience, but this is full res image taken with a pentax 16mm cctv lens
the 8.5mm (39 equiv) is crispy clean sharp and my favorite lens on this camera. the telephoto zoom is also very nice (so tiny and 70-200 equiv). it's a mistake to be fooled by the small sensor. just keep in mind that you're working with a deep dof and ISO usable up to 800 (for web resize at 1600). the noise at 800 gives it a "glassy" filmlike look
>>3230589 >>3230545 >>3230514 I'm a street photographer. The gun is for when stupid fucks complain and harass me.
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>>3230842 Oh they are pretty similar but i wouldn’t call it a clone
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^me^ i Can’t scroll photos on either sites
>>3219865 God, you really do sound insufferable.
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>>3223251 I've considered getting a perkeo or super ikonta.
>>3230392 The "my dick is so small that I invent reasons to be paranoid" starter kit.
Technically Correct !!lN6LSAdx7EV
>>3231676 >God, you really do sound insufferable. Good news! Being a tripfag makes me easy to filter.
At the top of the page, there's a "Settings" link, under which you'll find "Filters & Post Hiding". Turn on "Filter and highlight specific threads/posts", then add a filter for my tripcode (or tripcodes--I just noticed that I'm accidentally be using two different ones depending on whether I'm on my laptop or my phone. Whoops)
Mirari !!rEkSWzi2+mz
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>>3231689 such a gentleman teaching anons how to keep their shit way up they arses.
good job TC. But now, posta fotinhas
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>>3231689 I don't filter people. You're allowed to be you and I want the full /p/ experience. Gearfags and all but I'm still going to call you out. When your acting obnoxious.
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>>3221027 Why the anger my dude?
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>>3221246 The butterfly comb... kek.
>>3219685 What kind of camera is the one on the right of the rolleiflex?
>>3231681 >>3230589 >>3230545 >>3230514 >being anti gun fucking kill yourself
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>>3221246 >in the car good way to damage a lens
Technically Correct !!Y42F2zb/zVh
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>>3231879 >fucking kill yourself Can't; don't own a gun.
sorry no camera on photo, had to take that pic somehow
>>3231879 Micro benis detected.
>>3231891 You seem easily intimidated, and insecure.
>projecting Nice micro benis, m8.
>>3231563 >needlessly escalating a relatively benign situation by drawing on someone >not just moving on and walking away Do us all a favor and use that Glock on yourself before you shoot someone for looking at you wrong.
Technically Correct !!Y42F2zb/zVh
>>3231888 Curious about the toilet paper.
>>3231946 >drawing needlessly What happens is you take photos, someone gets mad, you tell them you know your rights and to fuck off, they try to take your camera or assault you, you draw
>>3231977 >what happens is I never actually take pictures of people because I’m too scared, but every night I fantasize about what it would be like. I think about some big guy getting all up in my face and telling me to delete the picture, and think about how manly and confident I’d seem telling him no and telling him that it’s my right to take whatever pictures I want. In my fantasy, he gets all angry and tough and I finally just flash my gun. And do you know what happens? He pisses himself. The big Chad actually PISSES himself with fear, right there in front of everyone. Everyone watching cheers, of course, and the girl he was with is so disgusted she dumps him on the spot and wraps her arms around me. She’s Asian, and she’s my girlfriend now. I think about this every night as I tug on my peeper. I know it’ll happen for real some day. I just know it. Anonymous
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>>3231983 >implying I don't take photos of random people Anonymous
>>3231913 >actually thinking someone who says micro benis is projecting now ur projecting
nice tiny dick bro
>>3232000 >numale detected Anonymous
>>3231977 >What happens is you take photos, someone gets mad, you tell them you know your rights and to fuck off, they try to take your camera or assault you, you draw The fact that this is a situation that can happen in America is fucking hilarious
>>3231891 >>3231913 >>3232000 >>3232002 This is a really productive line of discussion. I want to assure you the rest of us on this board are all on the edge of our seats waiting to learn which one of you REALLY has the tiny penis once you hash things out and come to an agreement.
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>>3232018 >projecting this hard hello tiny penis man
>>3232006 well it can't happen in france because it is illegal to do street photography there.
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>>3220431 What model is it, I'm in pretty much the exact same situation as you
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>>3231976 I think he's from India.
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>>3232023 >it is illegal what
>>3231563 Maybe if you weren't an out of shape bitch you could defend yourself without a crutch
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>>3231913 >easily intimidated >carries a gun Pick two my guy
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- Pentax ME (+50mm 1.4) - Olympus Stylus Epic - Spare Film - Headphones - Wallet - Laptop - Notebook - SSD - Pens - Laptop Sleeve Since I got the Stylus Epic often times I leave the SLR`s at home because I love it so much!
Jim Profit
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>>3231864 Linhof Master Technika 4x5 field camera.
>>3232023 I'm French and I've done street photography before. No different than any other country IME. Just be nice about it, or if that doesn't work, sneaky.
This guy didn't carry a gun, I assure you.
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>>3232006 Happened to me in Glasgow, Scotland. To be fair, the guy was insanely drunk and seemed like he wanted any excuse to fight.
>>3236142 what a dumb argument. you realised he photographed in an entirely different world to the one that we live in today? the Camera was still a magical box that captured moments to 99% of People when he shot the majority of his Work. In fact he remarked himself on how much he had to hide his Camera to get the shots that he wanted because People would HOUND him to take their Photograph because he carried a Camera.
>>3232690 Funfact, that cutlass is actually Dutch made, where it's called a klewang. It's an Europeanised version of a native machete like sword, because in the jungle war against the Acehnese it was found that rifles were useless and the only swords they had were ceremonial officer's sabres which were 'of a toy-like quality'. The new klewang was so effective it was exported to the US, the navy ordered tens of thousands of them.
>t. I have an original one from the Dutch east indies Technically Correct !!Y42F2zb/zVh
>>3236142 >>3236187 Another reason why it's dumb to use Henri Cartier-Bresson as an example of why France's laws against street photography don't matter:
Those laws went into effect sometime in the early 90s. HCB stopped doing street photography in the 1970s.
>>3236354 You're so terrified of the world that you feel the need to be armed at all times and that makes you the manly one? A'ight.
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>>3236404 I don't, because I live in Europe. The fact that you are absolutely obsessed by the fictitious relationship between firearms and masculinity says a lot about your self-confidence though.
>>3236404 >You're so terrified of the world that you feel the need to be armed at all times and that makes you the manly one? A'ight. You think your photography is so good that you need to carry a camera around with you at all times and that makes you artistic? A'ight
It's the same principle as carrying an EpiPen. You hope to never have to use it, but in the event you do, it's there.
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>>3236404 >You're so terrified of the world that you feel the need to be armed at all times and that makes you the manly one? A'ight Hey, Some guys want to jump on me everytime they see me downtown because of some feud about a girl -one of them tried to punch her face and had to be physically restrained in order to be stoped. I deffended her and he got in trouble. They've even talked about suing me, but since I did nothing wrong they can do nothing but attack me -which they've done. I would carry if it was legal in my country.
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>>3236404 Every time someone includes a gun in their EDC this kind of conversation happens. He feels safer with a gun on him and it allows him to use his camera more often. That's why we're here, to take photographs and share them. Who cares.
>>3230641 Whats your camera lens combo? It looks beautiful! I wannnnt it.
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>>3236718 i really hope that's your dad's old watch
buying a gold datejust in passed 1994 is fucking lame
>>3237235 Ricoh GR II with an optical viewfinder on top (Ricoh GV-1) and a wide angle adapter lens attached to it (Ricoh GW-3). Perfect 28/21mm combo, especially since the wide angle lens was designed for the existing 28mm formula of the GR. Gives you edge-to-edge sharpness and great looking images.
After spending my time with so many cameras over the last decade, I have finally found 'the one' - it's the Ricoh GR + accessoires seen in the pic. Couldn't be happier.
>>3237244 Do you print up shots for people on the spot sometimes?
>>3236718 U really carry all that everyday?
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>>3237296 Thanks so much for the reply. Its such a nice looking camera, I think ive fallen in love. Now I gotta find one to try out.
That photo looks really nice!
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>>3219858 newfag here. which GR is that?
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>>3236187 >>3236403 >hurr durr it's not the same I know. The points are that privacy laws are not anti street photography and that you can overcome simple difficulties in the field without resorting to coercion. I think HCB would probably agree.
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>>3229093 >implying i even know where my picks are usually there's one in my coin pocket fortunately
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>>3237406 Yeah, my printer is either hiding in my jacket pocket (Winter) or in my cargo pants (summer).
Also update of
>>3226124 Anonymous
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>>3237411 yeah, most of it in a backpack
>>3237244 what camera is that?
>>3236357 That is a model 1898 and has been used in some capacity as the bottom of the blade has a lot of markings from being used to parry, was only $200
You guys don’t have Notes on your smartphones?
>>3238076 shitty old sword
> only > $200 Anonymous
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>>3238267 It is a cutlass so it is in pretty good condition, just needs to be sharpened and derusted and it is pretty usable because the steel is so thick
Also it was used to kill Philippinos
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>>3238260 Not hipster enough
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>>3236354 I cc a Glock 19 every day of the week - I just don't act like an insecure faggot who's too fucking retarded to realize their faggy conduct gives the antis more fodder to use for gungrabbing.
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>>3238059 >Fujifilm X100F legit is the best camera I own.
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>>3221567 Hey is that the Stockholm subway?
>That amount of shit some people carry around daily Are y'all characters in a fucking RPG or what?
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>True EDC Except it changes a bit whether I bring both lenses, or just the 28mm or 50mm. Today was a both kinda day.
>>3230748 >>3230510 :))))))
>>3230657 > he’s good shit man thanks
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>>3240251 At least your improving, mate.
>>3237244 Would you say the instax printer is better than getting a Polaroid snap? It's a camera and a printer in one.
shot with my a7 that never gets use
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>>3242452 it depends really. Having the ability to send prints from my fuji cameras is a huge plus. Over having to send the pic to my phone which can take anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds. Then connect and send the prints to the zink printer. the zink printer is cheaper by 40c to print on compared to fuji. But imo inxtax look like mini polaroids. That and I believe zink will die to instax as normies buy the shit out of instax.
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>>3242463 How do you like the Contax for everyday/street snaps? Would you recommend it?
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>>3230402 that's a leatherman you fag. It's a multi-purpose tool, not just a knife
>>3219677 I want to buy a FZ35 for $150 AUD.
I did photography in highschool, I have an Iphone but I find the pictures I take with it don't show through what I see.
Is it worth buying? I'm a poor man
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>>3243097 Don't do it. Those bridge cameras are horrible in terms of image quality.
Get a used Nikon D3000 or a Canon 400D instead.
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>>3243097 As a general rule, if it looks like the lens should come off but it doesn't, it's a bad camera.
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>>3243097 why are you posting this in a completely unrelated thread, you retard?
go to the gear thread with gear questions, and don't get that POS camera.