>>3225017there are plenty sub f1.2 lenses
not on par with their >f1.2 equivalents tho
lots of aberration etc
if you want shallow dof, shoot mf/lf
if you want to shoot in the dark, better use digital
>>3225097>Carl Zeiss Super-Q-Gigantar 40mm f/0.33this one is fake
it was an aprils fool joke 10 years ago or so
actually had one of those angenieux lens once, not f0.95 but it was about that
like this, there are plenty c-mount/8mm lenses that had f1.2 or larger aperture, since the area they should cover is so small
afaik, only noctilux and canon 0.95 are actually decent on 35mm
however, they won't fit cameras that have actually good sensor
so what a waste