>>3230687great composition, maybe some color adjustments would be nice, it seems a little too pink
>>3230680would lower framing, the sky is flat and featureless until you hit those mammatus clouds, the water has the same aspects of vastness but has foam, waves, movement, etc. would center the land vertically, give equal space to sea and sky, then you are contrasting the behavior of the sea and the flatness of the sky in the same picture. would play with that composition a lot until i found a balance i liked. lot of ways to take that picture without moving 1 foot.
>>3230676this is pretty, i don't like the signage or the yellow sheath over the pole anchor but you can't do anything about that. i would have tried, if possible, to move to the right, omit those elements (you can leave the electric lines in the photo) and also make it so you have the lighthouse and house unblocked by the electric lines.
this is clearly a photogenic place so if you're close you should keep going there to fuck around
>>3230626love the scene, just remove dust spots like anon said
>>3230578i'd try framing a little lower just to see what it would look like. what a scene.
>>3230575>>3230574great clouds and mountains but i think the foreground needs brightening
>>3230571i love that road, would recompose without the foreground out of focus tree. it's nice to have elements at varying distances but you're focused too far and this is too close
>>3230570this is what i mean, you have a more gradual progression of distance, it works better in this picture. foreground is a little too dark