>>3238415 (contd)>4 - Deer warning signs. When a deer is alerted to your presence this is what they will do:
- First, the head bob. they will tilt their head sideways and freeze. then about 4 seconds later they will go down to eat some grass, and then immediately pop back up again. they are trying to make you move. as soon as they see your movement, they will bolt. if you stay perfectly still, you should be ok
Second, after the head bob, they will try the foot stomp. THey will pump one foot up and down, again, trying to make you move. IF a deer is pumping his feet, he is probably not going to stick around for very long, but he might back out slow. this is a good thing - you want them to back out slow if they are going to leave. A deer does this when they smell something thats not quite right, but dont know exaclty what it is, so they just feel a little uncomfortable and nope out.
If after the head bob and the foot pump, they sense something they dont like, they will do a loud snort/wheeze and then bound out with their white tails up. If they do this they won't be back anytime son. Not for weeks. If they just back out they will probably be back tomorrow.
Bottom line, DO NOT MOVE. stay perfectly still. if you are not upwind of the deer you will be ok.
>5. What deer likeDeer love to sleep under broad cover, like wide pine limbs. The will also bed down on soft grass, moss, etc. Deer will force themselves into really thick thickets and hide for hours if they feel stress, so work really hard not to stress a deer or you wont see it again.
A typcial non-rut pattern for cold weather - they are bedded down from 2 or 3 AM until first light, then they will move and feed til about 9 or even 10 AM. Then they will bed down again til around 4 PM, then move again till 2 or so. THeir food changes as the seasons change. WInter time they are eating acorns or black walnut mast if they can find it. If not, holly berries or whatever green leafy stuff