>>3249281Not sure if troll. Assuming it isn't, I'd recommend not posting pictures of your daughter here. People here are... bad. Just awful. Awful awful bastards.
Continuing to assume not a troll, some things to work on:
1. Pay attention to little details. The necklace is off buried in her shirt. There's a weird little splotch of color over her shoulder on the left side of the photo. Stuff like that. Things like that distract from your composition.
2. She could use a little postprocessing to get rid of the teenage acne. It's not bad by any means, but it looks bad in photos and it's easy to correct with the Heal tool.
3. When posing people, have them do something with their hands other than just letting them dangle limply by their sides. Hands on hips, behind her, on her head, whatever, just not dangling like that.
4. Maybe try having her angle her face slightly away from you (3/4 profile) but keep her eyes pointed towards you.
5. With the shape of her eyes and the braces, a big smile like that might not be her best choice.