>>3254320Potentially good photo ruined by shitty framing
>>3254321As above
>>3254324You know the drill
>>3254325Good comp, shame about the dynamic range
>>3254329Now this one's pretty cool, would've liked a wider crop though
>>3254330This one's cool too
>>3254331It seems like you like cars, so put the focus on the van and less on the shitty house
>>3254333I don't even know what I'm supposed to feel about this one, I think I actually hate it
>>3254334Same as the photo with the van
>>3254335See above
>>3254336Boring comp, was probably some good potential there
>>3254337>>3254338As above. Was there a guard dog or some shit that was stopping you from getting any closer?
>>3254339There's some hate brewing for this one too, likely due to the dynamic range and because it's a fucking house
>>3254340I would say get closer and shoot through the windows, but it looks like there's people in the building and I wouldn't want you to get shot up
Sorry if I'm too harsh, you've got some potential and I don't want you to think that shooting film is a fixer for crappy photos.