Mundaneness has never stopped great photographers. Sanguinetti shot her multi culti Arab-infested shithole French town. Gruyaert himself admitted he thought his Belgian hometown was uninteresting, but later he came back and made a photobook of it, which was the second most successful of his publications. Saul Leiter never left New York. Sure, it's New York, but you would think he could have tired of the city after 5-10 years, but no, he kept shooting it for 50 years.
And then there were photogs who travelled to shitholes in Russia, Congo, Cambodio, etc. They stayed there for 2-3 years, and made sets numbered in 20-40. 20 photos in 2 years, let that sink in. This is the needed time to get aquainted with your subject, to be able to produce great images of them. Compared to this. a week hiking to shoot the woods, or a month in Iceland to shoot northern lights seem like quickie blowjobs from methwhores in backalleys.