>>3263515>>3263516>>3263518these pictures show me that you at least have a basic grasp at what constitutes good color and interesting light, good job. Generally, playing with lights and shadows to achieve an affect it always a good idea.
That said, I personally would almost never shoot something into a dark blue sky as it screams of amateurism (unless I specifically want that look).
>>3263520you placed the subject nicely in the frame however there are some distracting elements on the right that take a away from it. When looking through the viewfinder, always try to eliminate those. Also the subject is underexposed, try raising the shadows to make it stand out more.
>>3263521>>3263522same with these. Either go for a more sillhouette like look or bump up the exposure
>>3263524I see what you went for with the tunnel leading to the subject but:
a), there is grafitti that is more prominent than the subject
b) there is a car part in the river (don't be afraid to move elements to create a more pleasant scene)
c) the crop could be tighter to put more emphasis on the subject
>>3263525I know shooting people can be difficult, especially as a beginner, but either get close or do not include them, otherwise your picture will just look like an accident
Keep shooting and what I can really recommend early is to look at other photographers' work to get an idea of what makes a good picture good and then try to emulate that. You're too early to develop an own style or anything of that sort so copying others and figuring out how they took great shots is going to help you so much.
Good luck