I think I posted already but I'll give some critique instead and bump myself-
https://www.instagram.com/thepunkyscotsman/>>3289324Fantastic colour depth and some well crafted shots. You're ridiculously dark and underexposed for Instagram though and I'm confused by some of your tag choices
>>3289397Some lovely shots and some absolute garbage. Be more consistent and raise your standards. Nice to see you're calming down on the editing
>>3289688Some beauty and skill here but you're lacking excitement/punch overall. Not a very useful comment but there's nothing bad to say, I'd just like to see more variety and learning I think
Going from your comment, that's probably what's missing. But yeah, stop shooting for instagram and start shooting to get better or for some other reason that actually matters
Other guy said it better than me
>>3289742Saturation is OTT on a few and composition seems to be your biggest weakness. Good shots but they're flat because of boring compositions. Feels like you're heading in the right direction and getting better though so keep at it
>>3289747Post good content curated for the audience. Get featured often. Like, follow, subscribe, comment blah blah lots of people. Use sensible hashtags instead of posting wherever and whatever.
Cliche answers because it's what works.
>>3289847Great hipster feel to some stuff in here, not meant as an insult. However there's a lot of technical flaws like squint horizons, noise and blur combined with shots of pets and too many selfies that make it feel like just another personal account. If that's what you're going for you don't need criticism
>>3289876Small world, I was over there a week or two ago and seem to have liked one of yours already.
If you've only been shooting since February you're doing great and headed in the right direction. No glaring flaws but you don't have enough content to do anything with instagram yet. Other than that most of your stuff is way too dark