>>3294832Visual literacy is the ability to interpret data from an image which may contain images and words. Flow charts require visual literacy, liking/not liking "art" and giving reason why only requires eyes.
It has literally nothing to do with artistic interpretation, but please, keep spilling that spaghetti.
And yes, by the looks of things your literacy could do with some work, I'm not sure you meant to go off on a tangent about floriography, you also talk about interpretation and people's lack of ability to accurately interpret the meaning behind your work, when in reality either there is no meaning or you have failed to communicate it effectively, and this comes as no surprise, you have admitted yourself on many occasions that you just take snapshots for historical preservation, which would make more sense if the sky wasn't pink.
Just because you don't agree with other people's interpretations of the subject or quality of your work, it doesn't mean they are wrong in their analysis, it just means that you have a highly biased and influenced viewpoint that is rooted in your ego, which is never challenged as you never leave the safe space of your parents home and the only place you do socialise, online, you feign hierarchy over anyone that questions you or your photography and repeatedly refuse to engage in constructive conversation over your down falls.