>>3293478It was pretty decent 5-10 years ago.
With entry-level DSLRs becoming more affordable, and phone cameras becoming better, every nub like yourself started spamming their snapshits without considering C&C they were receiving. I lurked this place actively for over a year before ever posting because I didn't feel like I met the quality that was on /p/ at the time. Posters used to have live stream and explained the process of making a good picture (5hoe? PhotoshoppeR?; I don't remember all the trips), and other users like myself would would actually watch and learn. I haven't seen something like that here in a very very long time.
Now, it's not uncommon to see HEY GUYS I JUST BOUGHT <GEAR> AND GOT INTO PHOTOGRAPHY. RATE MY PICS!!11 So the regulars that used to consistently post good stuff either got discouraged by the poor quality:noise ratio, or outgrew the site and left. And with there being less people to give good C&C, and less people seemingly not paying attention to C&C, the overall quality of the board has degraded immensely.
>>3293633I don't know how you're not embarrassed to advertise your site here under the guise of someone who knows what they're doing, when your pictures are generally shit... A '2deep4u' political spiel attached to a shit picture doesn't improve the picture.
>>3294174This is the only decent thing you've ever posted, and it's just okay. It is a poor use of negative space and the subject's face is underexposed. It's also cropped too closely to the subject. I see what you were going for, though.
>I hate to have to even say this, because then the trolls are winning, but there is someone or a group of people pretending to me on the website www.4chan.org attempting to smear my work. This is not me. That's rich.
If you give a shit about becoming a better photographer, post anonymously and consider the C&C you receive. Quit fucking around and thinking you're fooling anyone by samefagging everywhere.