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Reviewers and YOUR money

No.3304468 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are people paying their hard earned bucks to reviewers of any kind? Isn't it the same as giving tips to your local camera store salesman? You will still buy your product at the store, where part of the price goes to paying salaries to different employees. So why pay to a third guy? I do get, when reviewers get off from advertisement in their review - YouTube ads or Google ads or whatever. I have to add, that you have to be mentally ill not to use adblock in an information overload era that we live in, but hey, at least your wallet is not hurt.

Let's not forget the """special""" relationship that manufacturers have with reviewers with free gifts and trips being just the tip of the iceberg.

Have you ever donated to any of those gear reviewers out there? Have you bought their merchandise t-shirts (that only a 12 year old would wear in public) or any of their booklets that is a copy paste from your camera manual?

And if yes, why are you still not cleaning the house for free just to help them support their family?