Some hits, some misses. Good for 12 months progress, your street stuff all has flow
>>3325118>>3325126>>3325134Your strongest images
>>3325131>>>3325118>>3325137Little more than snapshots
Business is the most common mistake in street and you still suffer from it. I'd like to see more consistency but otherwise I can see the intent of your shots and they've been processed fairly well with the exception of
>>3325129>>3325121This needs more or less detail in the darks to work and it's hard not to see the reflection as a mistake
>>3325123Again, suffering from lack of detail in the darks.
>>3325127Busy elements that didn't need to be there
>>3325129Busy and confusing, despite you obviously going for that. Subject on the right is only interesting because of the ultra harsh processing but doesn't add much, especially with the bad frame/crop
>>3325132Both too harsh and too dark. Had you exposed brighter it'd have a lonely moody evening feel
>>3325136Motion blur in the legs or not at all for shots like this
You're suffering from impatience mostly, and bad angles
Good stuff though, keep shooting