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UFOLOGY gear thread

No.3327386 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Pic related it's one of own OC.
Brief history, i have a background in photography, used to go a lot of places with an EOS 40D. I did mainly concert gigs, and am familiar with low light conditions and ISO functions etc. Eventually my camera broke down and i stopped being a photographer.

Now i'm 27, and i've had about 7 years worth of experience with UFOS. The sad thing is, i've been trying to record them with my potato phone. It is beyond a joke. The sensor doesn't even register starlight even if i max out the sensor. (we get the point).

So i have a spare EOS 20D body, i attached a lens to it, and i tried taking photos of ufos with it (out of despair).
Obviously taking photo stills of ufos is not a great way to document actual credible evidence of ufos.

Now, an anon from /x/ has offered to buy me a camera to record with. I said right off the bat that a video dslr seems to be the best option, but obviously these are expensive, and i wish not to be a financial burden to someone who would extend their gratitude.

I thought it would be wise to ask about it here. I'm not very much up to date on the prices or capabilities of video dslrs nowadays.
I was also wondering if there are other options to video dslr? Is 3ccd night vision worth looking into or is that a gimmick?

I need something that can record both nearby craft and faraway stars (background light phenomenon. Lightspeed entry vehicles. I've seen one burned onto my retina one time. Full detail.)

What vdslr or other recording option best for UFOLOGY and within reasonable price range for beggatry tier anon. :)
Thanks in advance!!