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No.3332021 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Have any of you lost a favorite muse/model?

I had the perfect muse and I messed things up and drove her away.

I met an enthusiastic French girl who's a knockout. I needed to add to my portfolio, she needed pics. Photoshoot after photoshoot we gelled perfect. Everything we shot was great. We begin to hang out outside of photoshoots, talk about our days, go to dinner, out for ice cream etc. I knew nothing would ever come of it but I did have a huge softspot for her, I kept it platonic. The large gap in age, our current relationship statuses, etc.

She was leaving the country in a month for who knows how long. I gave her a small token of my affection/gratitude, a simple silver bracelet. She loved it and was ecstatic for days looking forward to our next shoot.

Suddenly she got cold, no more endless DM's, no more constantly checking my social media. I tried 2 more times to book our final shoot only for her to give what sounded like a fishy lie the first time, and a final no the last time.

I believe her boyfriend got jealous and told her she can't see me anymore. Had I not given her a small gift, perhaps things wouldn't have changed?

A small voice in the back of my mind said "If you give her this it might mess things up" the other side of me was saying "If you want to give someone a gift, just give them a gift".

That's how I lost her. She seems guilty that she can't hang out anymore, and says to remain in contact, but I don't think it can ever go back to what it was.

Does anyone have a similar story?