1. Only upload images that you, the photographer, have taken.
2. Post only photos that show at least trace amounts of thoughtful composition. Do not upload random snapshots.
3. Even though EXIF data is made available when encoded, please post as much relevant technical information as possible, such as: camera, kit, lens, etc.
4. Include a short description with your photograph, such as when and where it was photographed and under what circumstances.
5. As with the art critique board, only constructive criticism will be tolerated.
Anyone else getting fucking tired of people posting pics without exit data, who don't say anything, and don't reply to questions? How about those asses that only upload other people's works? Worst offenders are those that have no usable exif data, but the link for viewing exif still shows up. You click on it and get this shit instead (pic).
Is this just a reflection of this being 4chan or are these people doing the same shit where ever they go? I can understand not wanting to reveal your artistry and how you composed an art shot or even post processed, but the general camera equipment and lighting should be stated at least.
>>3332757 a good thread died for this shit
>>3332757 >exit data One of the programmes I use strips the exif data. I don't care.
>general camera equipment Stop being a gearfag.
>>3332759 Do you recall what thread that was? Because it wasn't archived. Unless you call the single gear question thread, "good".
>>3332761 It is literally in the rules,
>post as much relevant technical information as possible, such as: camera, kit, lens, etc. The board was specifically made for it.
>he needs to look at exif data otherwise he can't criticise people for picking shit settings or gear Nah we good
I always include EXIF and try really hard to improve the conversation on this board, if that's making threads or giving criticism everywhere. All I've found is that most people here are selfish and only care about gearfagging or promoting their own work. There's no sense of community, almost everyone is out for themselves. I've never seen people react so badly to criticism on 4chan before I came here, the amount of meltdowns from someone saying "your photo sucks and here's why" is really embarrassing. I have to say, it's mostly the phone camera posters that react so badly but not always. I don't get it, it's like people here thinks they're geniuses after 3 months of photographic experience and can't handle any criticism.
>>3332764 >the rules >only constructive criticism will be tolerated kek
>>3332765 >thinks people are always against him That's paranoia, anon.
>>3332773 It is just people who put too much emotion into their works. That happens across all mediums with those types. Normally, it is the beginners that do that, but a few seasoned professionals still do it. If you aren't your own worst critic then you are doing it wrong and you don't own a trashcan.
>>3332799 True, it takes some self-awareness to realise that a snapshot you took while you were on a first date is still a snapshot to everyone but the photographer. People put too much personal meaning and emotion into a photograph then have a meltdown when no one else can see it but them.
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>>3332803 It is much the same thing with tattoos it seems. To me, tattoos are like someone else's vacation photos.
>>3332797 Seriously though why do you do even need exif data?
>>3332819 If the person doesn't give you the details, you need to exif to give you the details. It helps to know what aperture a certain lens is set at or how a certain camera does in lower light or why there's so much noise for one camera but not another.
>>3332773 > All I've found is that most people here are selfish and only care about gearfagging or promoting their own work. There's no sense of community, almost everyone is out for themselves. >I've never seen people react so badly to criticism on 4chan before I came here, the amount of meltdowns from someone saying "your photo sucks and here's why" is really embarrassing. This, holy shit I need to get away from /p/. Probably the worst board on 4chan, followed closely by /mu/ and /fa/
>>3332826 You can get that information on actual low light tests or ISO tests. I'm going to assume most people use some sort of automated setting so there's really no point in checking what a computer choose as settings.
>>3332831 >You can get that information on actual low light tests or ISO tests. You can't, because those tests are not for the photos you are looking at and in the circumstances where the photos were taken.
>assume Never assume.
>>3332826 Or you could just use your eyes.
>>3332850 >>3332819 The intelligence level of this board seems to be extremely low. Are you shitposters from that other website that's supposed to make the raid on 4chan today?
How many times have you reset your router to evade bans?
Reddit’s photography board is far better than /p/ in terms of constructive criticism, activity, and people actually following the rules. That being said, I like /p/ a bit more. It’s grown on me, like a cancer almost.
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>>3332777 Nice trips, fuck off.
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>>3332870 I rather /p/ for gear tbqh our criticism is made by retards for retards
>Do not upload random snapshots it is the real issue. your photos suck
>>3332831 I manually control ISO most of the time I'm on the streets. Last time I brought that up some pajeet went batshit at me for "crippling Auto ISO" and shouting that I'm messing up my camera because I'm not "letting it hit ISO 100" as if that's a danger to the camera. There are some really clueless people around here.
>>3332826 >>3332819 >>3332838 >needing exif to figure out exposure settings I find most useful thing in exifs are the focal length, so I can figure out how they composed the shot
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>>3332757 in a perfect world, this thread would have been deleted.
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
12 years on this board and I can honestly say that exif usually leads to useless nitpicking based solely on someone's choice of gear. Camera's expensive? You get seething poorfags absolutely buttflamed that you didn't use your money to create work that is truly extraordinary, or at least up their standards. Camera's cheap? Most people will ignore you. Camera's a Sony? People will give you shit for that. Camera's not a Sony? Basednyboiz will give you shit for that. The only time that it's truly useful time to have exif is when you can give someone some constructive criticism on their exposure settings when they're going sweaty tryhard in Manual and fucking it all up, but even then they usually don't listen because they're still in that sensitive stage.
>>3332919 >disrespectful tripname You are part of the problem and should return to your containment board.
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
>>3332931 /p/ is my containment board my guy
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>>3332949 >>3332919 Do you remember /x/? Back when it was "General Photograohy," where you posted general snapshits, while /p/ was specifically for your own photos and EXIF?
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>>3332757 >no i've hidden rules and I'm not respecting them in the least, they were written in the previous millennium anyway. also search up few of the past wildlife threads in the archives and you'll learn why people ditch their exif
also fuck you in your ass for starting another pointless thread, guy that posted off focus withered rose is better man than you are
>>3332830 >"your photo sucks and here's why" I'd really like to see one reply that does that. In all my time here nobody has ever constructively criticised my work. It's ether cock sucking or you're shit. There is nothing else.
>>3332898 But what if the image were cropped??
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>>3332968 Same. People usually stop at "your photo sucks".
>>3332892 Auto ISO is a godsend. I want to protect my sensor from harmful intense sunlight. Shooting with an ND filter at f-11 and a fast shutter means that my sensor won't degrade with dark spots after a couple of years.
>>3332978 Auto ISO doesn't protect your sensor from harmful intense sunlight. Most cameras automatically close down the aperture on the lens you're using once the camera is turned off to protect the sensor. Auto ISO has nothing to do with it.
>>3332996 What would an aperture do to protect the sensor? The shutter is closed my dude.
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>>3332973 >who needs a telephoto lens I can just crop in from my 21mm Anonymous
>>3332997 Most modern mirrorless cameras don't have a traditional shutter. It's an electronic shutter so the sensor is always exposed. That's why the camera automatically closes the lens down to f20 or whatever when the camera is off, to stop light getting into the sensor over time and causing damage. 3/10 Made me reply.
>>3333027 >Most modern mirrorless cameras don't have a traditional shutter. lolwut.
I don't think you even own a mirrorless, do you? They all still have a mechanical global shutter. Anonymous
>>3333029 Mirrorless cameras do leave the shutter open except for right before and after an exposure, though.
>>3333030 What does that have to do with the camera being off?
>>3333032 The sensor is exposed while it's off, too.
>>3333034 Nah, the shutter closes my dude.
>>3333034 This, you can even take the lens off the camera and see for yourself that the shutter is open when the camera is off. That's why they use aperture for protection when possible. Auto ISO has nothing to do with protecting the sensor.
>>3333036 No it doesn't, I have my Sony A6000 in my hands right now, turned off and the sensor is exposed under the lens. You don't know what you're talking about.
>>3333037 Sony quality, everyone.
>>3333039 What mirrorless camera doesn't do this?
>>3333053 they all do it, I've seen the same behaviour in Olympus m43 cameras too. That's why they programmed in measures to protect the sensor through the lens when turned off.
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>>3333058 >>3333053 >he fell for the mirrorless meme Anonymous
>>3332850 >>3332861 He’s not wrong though, from a critique perspective, plus it’s a discriminatory standard that anyone shooting film can never meet, unless they’re completely ocd about noting settings.
Noise, camera shake, missed focus, excessive sharpening, wb, grading, composition etc are all objective technical measures but aren’t all affected by camera settings. We don’t ask people to list all their processing steps, we can see when they’ve fucked up, so why the obsession with exif?
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>>3332757 I do admit that I go to extra lengths just so I leave x/y dpi data in the exif. I can't contain myself thinking of anons clicking on exif data just so they're left with that exact message.
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i send photos to my phone via bluetooth, primarily film scans, and then upload them here. exif data is not an option so fuck you
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>>3332757 manchildren don't post exif because they don't want to be bullied for using hilariously wrong settings.
If you see no exif, presume they are a cretin. Film fags excused.
>>3333070 >>3332850 Are you complete fucking morons? When you are learning about camera and how to do photography, you need to know what you are looking at and the best way to do that is to know the settings.
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>>3333241 not an response to
>>3333070 Anonymous
>>3333241 Just look at your own exif if you want to “learn”, there’s only 2 settings to consider, and you should be able to grasp the fundamentals of what they do in about 10 seconds. The lifetime of learning is for other things that exif will never tell you.
>inb4 muh iso. It’s just a fucking brightness setting. Anonymous
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To be fair it'd help if the sticky was updated
It reads like it's written by a 12 year old, and is out-dated and mostly useless so it's hard to take seriously. With an update and some actual useful advice more people would read it and more people would direct others to read it when they ignore it
The only EXIF data that's useful is exposure stuff and gear/etc just promotes gearfagging, which is probably /p/s biggest annoyance and even exposure data is only useful in very specific cicrcumstances. So I'd much rather we exclude all EXIF and let the playing field be even than give another excuse to shit on someones photo
>>3332773 I think the biggest reason is because /p/ is made up almost entirely of two groups of people
>90% new photographers who don't know much about what they're doing and >10% old tripfags and people who have been around for a while The 10% need to justify why they're still shit and why they're still here and as a result tend to shit all over new photographers (and each other) to make them feel like they're better, or helping or whatever
The 90% follow this lead and shit all over each other more quickly
I highlight this because I see the opposite of you- that most of the criticism here is just thinly veiled attack and there's rarely anything constructive. I always try to point out things that can be fixed in a photo rather than just shitting on it but I seem to be somewhat of an exception
That said, /p/ is also fairly sensitive due to, presumably, it's mean age but that's life
>>3333241 You don't need EXIF data for that. If you want to learn, look it up and people will literally tell you what the settings on a camera does. If you don't know shit looking at the numbers won't mean anything.
>>3333275 >>3333348 >being this batshit stupid Wow OP is 10,000% right on this one. haha
>>3333365 The only reason I leave the exif is to show off my gear.
Seriously, what have you ever learnt from exif other than what camera took the shot?
>>3333518 Focal length
Helps me figure out how they set up composition
>>3333518 >Seriously, what have you ever learnt from exif other than what camera took the shot? Pretty much everything. Anything I already know is merely confirmed. Sometimes I'm completely wrong. It is surprising how different cameras handle ISO noise so differently. Info on the lens and its settings is the best though.
Take this image for example. Other than the abysmal composition, what can you tell me about it in terms of things that would normally be in the EXIF?
fucking cuck !!L1lx81epp6B
>>3333566 That it's suffering from too narrow an aperture. You don't need exif to see that, though.
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>>3333572 What makes you say that?
>>3333538 >>3333566 >we like knowing what gear was used QED
>>3333566 >It is surprising how different cameras handle ISO noise so differently Ehem. Ever heard about noise reduction or intentional grain?
>>3333581 Some cameras have it and some don't. This is why knowing the EXIF and getting info from the photographer is important. Doubly so, if it is an /rpt/ and people are posting specifically to get feedback. Yet, lots of people post their pics with now EXIF and don't reply when you comment. I went through like 5 /rpt/ threads and gave laundry lists of info and what was good or not good about the photos and only like 5 people ever replied back when asked questions. I even made a couple threads in the past.
I mean what's the point of even posting your work, right?
>>3333583 This is like saying every time you go outside and eat you have to write a review for the food. No one really cares dude, people like doing things for fun.
>>3333666 Posting then not responding is a bit schizo.
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>>3333669 Honesty if some dude is responding to 50 photos in one post I usually ignore whatever they have to say. Fair enough if they are seeking help but even then the feedback is so shit.
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Yeah this board is filled with m4therds fanboys it's fucking stupid, almost no one shoots FF (Full Frame) You can't get any good advice on anything and critiques are just "lol shit"
>>3333566 I take it no one can infer anything other than, "narrow aperture," from that image?
>>3333839 There’s nothing to comment on except the tones and the hint of wistfulness, which wouldn’t be in the exif. Other than that it’s just another potato shot with a lot of diffraction that you probably underexposed deliberately.
>>3333869 Looks more like a really shitty filter but you're right- nothing is going to help that photo from looking at the EXIF
Exposure info is rarely helpful because it's so specific and because 99% of what new photographers suck at isn't technical, and when it is it's something they can recognise and fix anyway
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>>3332919 >Camera's expensive? You get seething poorfags absolutely buttflamed that you didn't use your money to create work that is truly extraordinary, or at least up their standards. >Camera's cheap? Most people will ignore you. >Camera's a Sony? People will give you shit for that. >Camera's not a Sony? Basednyboiz will give you shit for that. There are uploads where just brands and models are stripped and most people ignore that also.
>>3333869 >>3333875 We are talking about being able to look at a photo, not having EXIF access, and still being able to infer what the person used in regards to aperture, ISO, lens FL, exposure, etc. If the person who took the photo doesn't tell you what they used then you can't really learn much good info from it. Something as simple as knowing if it is a cropped image of a wide angle lens that is sharper in the center than the edges with a wide open aperture or if it is a specialty aperture or lens or specific type of camera with a vintage sensor or even if they've mucked around in PP, it all helps you learn. If no one tells you, you can't really learn from it. You also can't really give all that good advice if you see something incorrect. Especially if there's back and forth between you and the photographer. Things like, "Looks a bit dark. Was this at night or did you not have a which could give you enough light in that amount of exposure without borking it with high ISO?" Or, whatever scenario you can think of really.
>>3332757 Strip EXIF, don't get a pic of your house next to the usual death threats.
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>>3334008 Stop posting phone pics. No one wants that trash quality.
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>>3334008 >having this much mental illness Anonymous
>>3332861 >reset your router to evade bans Anonymous
>>3333879 >trying to learn >only ask why his photo isn't perfectly exposed >why isn't it tack sharp This is why EXIF people are just gear people. There's other aspects to a photo you should be talking about. If you need to talk about settings to stimulate conversation your photos are probably shit.
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>>3334008 >death threats If this is who I think it is, you've never had a single death threat on here.
>>3334019 Some people have dynamic ip's anon
>>3332757 Sure, let me just pull the 0's and 1's out of my film scans.
Unless you want me to manually write it down for each photo before I advance the film? I'll type it out just for you
>>3334293 In which case you'll force reset your connection to get a new ip instantly. With a static ip neither time nor a connection reset will help. Anon was a bit unspecific.
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>>3334302 >Anon was a bit unspecific. New to the internet and its terminology I see.
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>>3334210 >he didn't list everything so his argument is invalid. You can't into simple logic.
>>3334301 >pretends to be highly offended because he thinks OP is talking about him specifically when the thread literally has nothing to do with him Are you a moron?
>he uses film Well, I guess that was a rhetorical question. LOL
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>>3333566 >>3333572 >>3333578 >>3333581 >>3333839 >>3333869 >>3333875 >>3333879 >>3334210 Here's the original photo with EXIF. This is a @93mm focal length pinhole. More precise info,
Focal Length: 92.9mm
Pinhole Diameter: 0.4064mm
Bellows Setting: 51.8mm
F-stop: f/229
AOV: 9.6 degrees
Sunny Day Exposure: 2.04s
Image Diameter: 178mm
With the advent of this the new report system, maybe /p/ will get cleaned up a bit?