>>3340047I personally believe that Kodak was killed on purpose. Marxists knew Kodak was a brand that represented American families and their memories of the good times, and had to destroy a corporate mainstay that represented the love and sharing of the American people and their families. Just look around you. There is not a single company that represents anything but globalist marxism and putrid mutlticulti garbage at every turn.
Kodak, as a brand, was completely and utterly incompatible with the anti-American globalist agenda and so had to be killed off. No more "Kodak moments," no more nostalgia for the good old days, no more red-blooded Americana, no more Paul Simon singing Kodachrome to starry eyed boomers recalling a peaceful white America.
Nope. Now there is only globalism and greed. I believe 100% that Kodak was sacrificed on the altar of Marxism to destroy the American spirit just that much more and erode whatever was left of American excellence.