>>3341779It's from a time when things were made properly. Still managed to have a small screw pop out and break the clutch on the film sprocket. But that's it.
But it was easy to diagnose and fix. Called a camera shop that'd originally sold it to see if they had any parts on the shelf, or dead bodies to cannibalise. Unfortunately not - but he could remember a specific instance of another F-1 having the same problem 40 years before because it took so long for the part to come from Canon, since the clutch never broke.
So, he gave me the number for the current main Canon dealer in Ireland. Canon dealer actually had had an F-1 the shelf up until a month previously, and would've happily given me the part for not stupid money- but they sold the camera. They gave me the number for a UK specialist who didn't have the part - but knew another UK company that did.
The final company wanted me to pay upwards of 100 euro for a 5 minute screwjob - before the cost of shipping the thing too and from their london offices.
Ended up ebaying a cheapo body from Japan that turned out to be in better condition that the one I already had. So it's set aside until I can find another screw.... Then I'll have two.