>>3353468>Show me an example of this.once again, see
>>3353457 where they've leaked discord servers for a bunch of these groups in the leadup to the events where they clash with antifa
>As far as I know, the conservatives waa invited for a speech at some university.not sure who "the conservative" is or why you are seemingly now talking about a singular event at one specific university
>This was enough to provoke your comunist friends to attack themlol i guess if you believe the antifa supersoldiers on november 4th tweet was a genuine threat then you had no problem believing whichever right wing propagandist told you "THE LEFT ALWAYS STARTS IT!!!"
>Your politicians incite to violence.are you guys still on your fainting couch over maxine waters? my god lol
>Your grassroot resorts to violence.so does yours, as we just covered
>Remember when those republican congress members came under gunshots by one of your crazy leftists?remember when the kid who shot up parkland was a trump fan? we can both play this dumb shit lol