1. This is the only thread I’ve ever seen here insulting HCB
2. There are a lot of legitimate reasons to diss uncle Terry, including dislike of the snapshot aesthetic he prefers, or his numerous sexual harassment allegations.
3. Pretty much I’m the only person who really goes hard against Eggleston, and I my argument against him is 100% due to his photos all being indistinguishable from what a teen with his first Rebel and kit lens could produce.
Compare with the arguments against Leibovitz here:
1. “She’s only good because other people do all of the work. Oh, you provided multiple videos showing that she exerts total creative control over her shoots? Well then she’s not good”
2. “She looks manly”
3. “She looks Jewish”
2 and 3 are obviously based on sexism and racism, respectively, so the question is if #1 is one of those too.