luckily for all you guys im a huge slut for landscapes
>>3359793underwhelming, its a nice big scene but nothing to build off of, even the white balance is neutral so i cant say it "feels cold" or anything like that
>>3361011this is genuinely great anon, i dont much care for the "bold and white" landscape stuff but you nailed the grit and flow here, my only quip is that that single cloud looks fake, nice job dude
>>3361012i really like this one too, the resampling is a little harsh and makes the fine details all jagged (be sure to resample with "billiniar" on photoshop) also the burning and dodging is a bit overdone here, the tops of the trees look like they have delta force graphics, the colors are great here
>>3361013hot damn, once again the 1 point perspective balance works really damn good here, but alas, the noise is a little in the way on this one, but maybe you couldnt help it
>>3361014this one aint bad, its got great tone and the saturation is just right,b ut it seems directionless here, with no real subject ( i know youre going for open landscapes but your other stuff had a central object to gaze upon, these are just rocks grown into the foreground, woulda been a fantastic place for a subject)
>>3361016not feeling this one, the scope and dynamic range is nice but once again it feels like an afterthought compared to your other stuff
>>3361020i like this, super dramatic, and the gradients on the orange are silky smooth, this is just me but i personally feel like the black triangle on the right interupts the flow of the image a bit
>>3361021god damn i just love the amount of light you get on these HUGE shots, nothing is overblown and no blacks are crushed, this is a cool shot, the person there definitly adds more depth to the photo
>>3361023yawn/10, make sure to eliminate ALL the green tones outta your sky or else itll look murky like this, and keep an eye out for the haloing around trees and other like objects, its super obvious