[9 / 3 / ?]
so m*ds deleted another photography related meme doomer thread for the second time.
lmao what the actual fuck?
like it's really fucking okay for you cunts to allow 50+ gear threads which are ruining the quality of the board and out numbering few remaining photo/discussion/inspo threads. now we're nothing but a colony of /g/, where /g/earfag boomers circlejerk around their favorite camera brands.
and fuck you all autustic ken-core dry bitter grumpy old low tempered boomers who whine like little fucking bitches about memes are forced. every board relate to these memes, SHITPOSTING IS A CULTURE OF 4CHAN AND THIS BOARD, that's what make this place interesting.
>here's another thread
what are some doomer-core + /nightwalk/ photographers/books?
lmao what the actual fuck?
like it's really fucking okay for you cunts to allow 50+ gear threads which are ruining the quality of the board and out numbering few remaining photo/discussion/inspo threads. now we're nothing but a colony of /g/, where /g/earfag boomers circlejerk around their favorite camera brands.
and fuck you all autustic ken-core dry bitter grumpy old low tempered boomers who whine like little fucking bitches about memes are forced. every board relate to these memes, SHITPOSTING IS A CULTURE OF 4CHAN AND THIS BOARD, that's what make this place interesting.
>here's another thread
what are some doomer-core + /nightwalk/ photographers/books?