I just got my hands on the Fe 50mm Macro lens.
First impressions/ mini review: There is so much thought put into this lens, the design is quite amazing.
- It's compact as you expect a 50mm F2,8 to be.
- Even though it's a FF lens, it's designed precisely so the barrel sits Flush with the bottom of the A6000/A6500/A6500. Damn, love that thoughtfulness.
- It has two rubber points at the bottom to it doesn't scratch the table, or so the table doesn't have a dent there.
- It has 2 filter thread sizes, one is on the extending inner-barrel and meant for filters.
-The other thread in on the outer barrel to carry the Macro ring light, this is so the weight of the ring light doesn't drag down the AF motor when it moves the inner barrel. This is super brilliant.
- One more thing, my Chinese Ring light holder fits PERFECTLY into this lens, I just use the 62mm adapter, and I swear it's flush to the inner barrel, The inner-barrel diameter is exactly flush to the Chinese accessory.
I don't know what black magic this is, but it's almost as if this lens was designed around the macro ring holder, it's almost as if the lens was designed to fit into this Chinese accessory.
I'm very pleasantly surprised.
10/10 engineering.
I'm going to shooting with this baby tomorrow.
>>3364974S iii doesn't exist yet.