>>3366503>what is your main thing in photography?Nude/fetish modeling, burlesque, local bands.
> are you famous?Nope. One could charitably describe me as locally famous. People in the scene I mostly photograph in my city generally have heard of me, usually because they've seen my watermark in the corner of a lot of photos of their friends.
>I mean after all this practice, dedication and hardworkI put a shitload of hard work into my actual photography. I put basically no work into self-promotion and marketing. To become famous, you've got to put yourself out there, and I don't do that.
I've frequently thought that I could *become* famous if I really put the effort into it, and I've considered it. Basically, just make a concerted effort to post my work on Instagram every day tagged out the wazoo so people could find it easily--especially with my normal subject matter, I'd end up with a billion creepy dudes following me in no time. But it seems like a lot of effort. I'd rather just go take more photos.
Plus, there's always the very good chance I'm just deluding myself about that and I'd put all that work in and nobody would give a shit about me, so I'd prefer to just maintain my comfortable fiction.