>>3377040cakekelly here, this isn't me, and the poster I am replying to is super new, first of all, it's super hard to "scavenge" a CCD from a camera, the datasheets aren't there for many custom job proprietary sensors, the toolchains are deprecated and you'd need so many high speed tools to be able to figure them out, so that leaves you with two choices if you plan on making a digital 4x5, largesense and some LRIP (Low rate initial production) cameras commission their own sensors from a fab for > 500k for a run and R&D. Other companies like Seitz make scanning cameras, Leica has done this and Leaf in their Lumina line, or Phase One did them as well and Betterlight still makes them. Scanning backs are a realistic method but you still need to buy sensors and configure them, Hamamatsu, Teledyne Dalsa and Toshiba make CCD/CMOS sensors for this application.
You don't know what you're getting into even remotely if you think scavenging image sensors is a good idea.