>>3377847This is gonna be the last time I do the thinking for you, the next time you have a question you type it into google yourself please.
>When combining all three forms of violence reporting it becomesclear that among transgender people, known others are physically and
sexually assaulting transgender people at high rates, and strangers are
physically and sexually assaulting transgender people, but also ha-
rassing them and causing other types of violence and abuse. These acts
of violence are not single incidents, but happen across a lifetime, and
often a single individual experiences multiple acts of violence or
intolerance on a daily basis.
>What is beginning to emerge from these multiple sources of dataare the increased risks of variety of types of violence, though in
particular sexual violence, faced by transgender people. This risk starts
early in life and continues throughout the lifetime. Transgender
people appear to be victimized by strangers and people they know,
including their families and loved ones, with equal frequency. In
addition, it appears that this violence occurs at home, at work, and in
public places.
From "Violence against transgender people: A review of United States data".
To paraphrase it for you so you can keep refusing to use your brain: yes, trans people get discriminated, no that is not limited to "mean words", yes this does result in murder at times.