>>3389208>Built in vertical grip and 144.37 x 146.765 x 75.345mmOlympus product design guy 1: "Okay, so you know how our cameras have a lot of good features, right?"
Olympus product design guy 2: "Of course. They're loaded with features."
OPDG1: "But that the main headline feature that makes our system a distinct value proposition vs. everyone else is small size?"
OPDG2: "Right, small size is our #1 brand strength."
OPDG1: "What if we made a camera that was big as a full frame DSLR?"
OPDG2: "So, like, as tall and wide as if you had a full on 24x36mm sensor in it instead of our 17x13mm sensor?"
OPDG1: "Yeah, baby."
OPDG2: "And as deep as if it had an honest to God mirror box?"
OPDG1: "Fuckin'-A."
OPDG2: "I think that's a fucking phenomenal idea."
OPDG1: "Right?? And let's go ahead and price it as if it were a full frame camera, too."
OPDG2: "I love working with you, Olympus Product Design Guy 1."
OPDG1: "Let's do more cocaine."